You may have found yourself snoozing past your iPhone’s alarm more than usual lately, and no, it’s not due to your cozy, warm blankets. Users across various models, from the iPhone XR to the iPhone 15, seem to be caught in a never-ending loop of confusion when it comes to this particular iOS 17 mystery. Alarms are going off, but instead of waking the user up with bells and whistles and the usual sudden panic of waking up, the alarms are completely silent. See, it’s not just you. According to Android Authority, folks are coming out of the woodwork, including classmates, coworkers, and even my own mother, are going online to express their frustrations with this issue. Did Apple break alarm sounds in iOS? Image: KnowTechie It looks like silent alarms in iOS is a common problem affecting a wide range of people. Naturally, everyone has a solution with potential fixes, from turning off attention-aware features to reverting to those classic alarm tones that can wake up a hibernating bear. And for those who treat their alarm list like a social media feed, maybe it’s time for a little unfollow spree, as too many alarms could be the party pooper here. .stk-db62e8a{background-color:#ececec !important;box-shadow:0px 2px 20px rgba(153,153,153,0.2) !important;max-width:1500px !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-left:auto !important}.stk-db62e8a:before{background-color:#ececec !important}.stk-db62e8a .stk-img-wrapper{width:26% !important;height:444px !important;–stk-gradient-overlay:0.1 !important}.stk-db62e8a .stk-img-wrapper img{filter:opacity(2) !important;transform:scale(1) !important;object-fit:cover !important} Apple has yet to chime in on the matter. Meanwhile, the Reddit subreddits have been tuning their instruments, speculating, and workaround-sharing like it’s going out of style. Some even argue…Alarm bells ring silently for iPhone users on iOS 17