An AI Site Ripped Off Our Reporting About AI Ripoffs

Today in AI ouroboros vertigo: our reporting about AI rip-offs was ripped off by a spammy AI site. In November, we published a story revealing that the legacy American magazine Sports Illustrated had published articles bylined by fake, AI-generated authors. Afterward, on a platform dubbed “,” an outfit called “Curiosity” published two separate AI-generated articles — one titled “The Controversy of AI-Generated Authors: Sports Illustrated’s Shocking Revelation,” the other titled “The Scandal Unveiled: AI-Generated Authors Exposed in Sports Illustrated” — rehashing our report’s findings without credit. “This article delves into the controversy surrounding AI-generated authors and explores the case of Sports Illustrated, a renowned magazine,” reads one of the posts, “where AI-generated authors were published without disclosure or acknowledgment.” The creators of these articles even threw in an accompanying YouTube video in which a tinny, seemingly AI-generated voice reads our reporting word-for-word. (The YouTube account is just a plagiarism engine that’s verbatim-copied many Futurism articles.) And speaking of publishing things without disclosure or acknowledgment: Futurism is never named nor linked to in either article. We are mentioned at the very end of the YouTube video, but only because the AI narrator read a disclaimer we’d included at the foot of our report. Of course, this sort of plagiarized spam is far from uncommon. NewsGuard has been closely tracking the rise of AI content farms like this, which are already gleaning income from ad revenue; in other concerning news, a recent though yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper from researchers at Amazon Web Services found that lower-resource…An AI Site Ripped Off Our Reporting About AI Ripoffs

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