Apple announced its first mixed-reality headset, Vision Pro, back in 2023 during the WWDC. While the headset wasn’t launched immediately, it was promised an early 2024 launch date. And it seems the Cupertino company is keeping its promise. Apple has officially announced the Apple Vision Pro will be available from February 2, 2024, at all Apple Stores in the US and in the country. Pre-orders for the Vision Pro begin on January 19, 2024, at 5 am PST/8 am EST. It also announced prescription lenses for the Vision Pro for $149. There will also be reading lenses – a range of standard-strength lenses without a prescription. ZEISS Optical Inserts — Readers will be available for $99 (U.S.), and ZEISS Optical Inserts — Prescription will be available for $149 (U.S.). While the price of the prescription lenses for the Vision Pro is far less than expected, which is, of course, a piece of good news, you will still require a valid prescription to make a purchase. So, you may want to visit your optician before Apple drops the Vision Pro if your prescription has expired. However, Apple has also stated that all the prescriptions will not be supported. What’s in the Apple Vision Pro box? .stk-97efe1c ul li{list-style-image:url(‘’) !important}.stk-97efe1c li::marker{font-size:1.6em !important}Solo Knit Band and Dual Loop Band — giving users two options for the fit that works bestLight Seal2x Light Seal CushionsApple Vision Pro Cover for the front of the devicePolishing ClothBatteryUSB-C Charge CableUSB-C Power Adapter The Apple Vision Pro starts at a whopping…Apple Vision Pro box contents revealed ahead of pre-orders