Just a heads up, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the sale. It’s one of the ways we keep the lights on here. Click here for more.Apple’s latest iOS 18 update automatically shares photo data with its servers Apple’s gotten a bit handsy with your photos again. The Cupertino company’s latest iOS 18 update comes with a little surprise that nobody asked for: it automatically shares your photo data with Apple’s servers. The feature, dubbed “Enhanced Visual Search,” sounds innocent enough. It’s supposed to help you find landmarks and cool stuff in your photos more easily. But here’s the kicker: Apple turned it on by default without so much as a “hey, is this cool with you?” Developer Jeff Johnson first raised the alarm, pointing out what should be blindingly obvious: if your data stays on your device, it’s private. The moment it starts playing ping-pong with Apple’s servers? Not so much. Sure, Apple swears up and down that everything’s encrypted and your IP address is totally safe. According to their “Photos & Privacy” page, they can’t even peek at what’s in your photos. But let’s be real – we’ve all seen how well “unhackable” systems work out in the long run. Why This Matters Image: KnowTechie Remember all those urgent security updates Apple’s been pushing lately. Each one patching some horrific vulnerability that could’ve let bad actors throw a party in your private data? Yeah, that’s why people are nervous about…Apple’s latest iOS update shares your photo data without asking