For weeks, we have been getting steady leaks about Samsung’s next fitness tracker, the Galaxy Fit 3. The Korean tech giant has yet to set a launch date, but it hasn’t stopped the leaks from coming in. The last Fit 3 leak came from Samsung itself through a premature listing, revealing a bunch of details including the device’s design, material, colors, specs, and features. Now, Samsung has posted the Galaxy Fit 3’s user manual online (first spotted by SamMobile), re-revealing a plethora of information about its upcoming fitness tracker, which we have seen in the previous – now pulled, official listing. Galaxy Fit 3 is inching closer to launch Image: Samsung/SamMobile While most of the details showcased in the manual have been revealed in the past, the highlight of this leak is a closer look at all the buttons and sensors like barometer, optical heart-rate sensor, etc., placed at the bottom of the device and the quick-release mechanism for straps. Image: Samsung/SamMobile In addition, the manual also delivers a look at Samsung’s next fitness tracker’s quick panel, notification panel, lock screen, app screens, daily activity, call/text integration, stress tracking, heart rate tracking, sleep tracking, blood-oxygen monitoring, and more. Most of these were already known from the previously leaked listing. But the online manual posting has confirmed our underlying suspicion that the Galaxy Fit 3 is very close to the launch. Have any thoughts on this? Drop us a line below in the comments, or carry the discussion to our Twitter or Facebook. Editors’…Galaxy Fit 3 user manual leak reveals sensor and strap design