Faulty Bot Google has paused its AI image generator due to its penchant for creating grossly inaccurate historical illustrations — such as, and no we are not kidding, racially diverse Nazis — that had people howling on social media. Google announced the hiatus for its Gemini AI tool in a post on the social media platform X-formerly Twitter this morning. “We’re already working to address recent issues with Gemini’s image generation feature,” the post reads. “While we do this, we’re going to pause the image generation of people and will re-release an improved version soon.” Google started letting users tool around with Gemini’s image generator a few weeks ago, but users quickly noticed that the platform was creating historically inaccurate images, leading to Google’s embarrassing pause. AI Race This prompted conservative critics to accuse Google of being biased against white people, adding another chapter to the culture wars on AI. That’s not to say remixing history can’t be interesting and provocative — just look at the hit Broadway show “Hamilton,” which cast people of color as America’s Founding Fathers to critical acclaim — but that sort of artistically meaningful choice, of course, requires human intentionality. Google’s AI, on the other hand, seemed to be jamming diversity into historical imagery on autopilot, even when the context is bizarre or offensive, like producing images of racially diverse Nazi soldiers in World War II. Worse yet, the AI seemed to be adding diversity to historical imagery proactively, without the user even suggesting the alteration. This…Google Shuts Down AI Image Generator After It Made "Racially Diverse Nazis"