How reliable is ChatGPT’s incognito mode?

ChatGPT is one of the most exciting platforms on the web, but its privacy has come under some scrutiny lately. Like any AI system, it uses a lot of data, so now that it has hundreds of millions of regular users, all that data collection can feel dangerous. In light of this growing concern, OpenAI has released an “incognito” mode for the chatbot. ChatGPT’s incognito mode rolled out on April 25, along with news of an upcoming business subscription that won’t collect user data by default. The feature certainly sounds promising if you’re worried about your privacy, but how secure is it, exactly? Here’s a closer look. How does ChatGPT’s incognito mode work? Image: Unsplash Normally, when you talk to ChatGPT, it stores your conversations to use them to train the AI model. These interactions help make the chatbot more accurate and conversational but mean OpenAI employees — and anyone who hacks into their servers — could theoretically see your conversations. The new incognito mode ensures OpenAI doesn’t use your chat history to train the bot, minimizing those risks. To turn on incognito mode, start by opening your OpenAI account on the ChatGPT homepage. From there, click the three dots next to your profile: Select “Settings,” Then click “Show” next to the “Data Controls” section. You’ll see a switch labeled “Chat History & Training.” Turn that option off to activate the incognito mode. Importantly, ChatGPT will still hold on to your chats for 30 days before deleting them. Your conversations…How reliable is ChatGPT’s incognito mode?

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