Welcome to Push ROI’s series on how to create a marketing plan. In part one we will define goals and budgets. Defining budgets and goals are the first steps to being able to plan. Budgets inventory the resources available to reach a goal. Goals on the other hand give a place to aim. To quote Zig Ziglar, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” Goals dictate actions, and actions dictate outcomes. Consider how you would train if you wanted to run a marathon versus if you wanted to powerlift. The goals are different, so too are the steps to reach them. This article is based on the following video presentation. The Anatomy Of A Goal Before we get any further, let’s define what a goal is fundamentally. We’re going to use a framework called S.M.A.R.T, an acronym meaning Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-related. Their is no shortage of acronyms, and frameworks to define business goals, or help with long term planning, but as the anatomy of a goal S.M.A.R.T works well. For a longer explanation of S.M.A.R.T click here, but it will be expanded upon later in the presentation. What’s The Goal? When asked people often name big number goals: Get 10,000,000 followers Raise at a $300 million valuation Earn $1 billion Or general directional goals like: Be famous Gain recognition More money None of these goals are S.M.A.R.T. Most require consulting to define or distract from meaningful work. The above set of goals aren’t really…How To Create A Marketing Plan: Goals And Budgets