Estoy Aqui Meta’s AI chatbot kept giving strangers a man’s phone number, and it remains unclear how or why it happened. As Business Insider’s Rob Price reports, the debacle began when he was added to a random WhatsApp group chat filled with people from multiple countries who began asking him random questions in Spanish. The people in the chat seemed bemused when the senior Silicon Valley correspondent asked them why he’d been added to the group chat and why they were asking him questions. Eventually, someone posted a screenshot and Price noticed that his number was saved under the name “Meta AI.” After more back-and-forth, someone eventually shared another screenshot that included a one-on-one exchange with Meta AI, the company’s cross-platform chatbot, explaining that Price’s phone number could be used to add it to group chats. “You can add me to a WhatsApp group as if I were just another contact,” the chatbot told the user in a translation of the original Spanish exchange. “You only need to save my phone number.” After that first bizarre instance, people from various countries in South America kept contacting the reporter thinking he was Meta AI, spitting out Price’s work number each time when users asked the chatbot for its phone number. Working Theory As a journalist, Price was accustomed to being contacted by random people, but this was substantially different. Generally speaking, being accused of being a bot only happens during particularly intense political debates between humans on social media — and this…Man Puzzled When Meta's AI Keeps Giving Out His Phone Number to Strangers