Members of AI Fringe Group Arrested for Two Killings

Cultimate Warrior As if the San Francisco Bay Area couldn’t get any weirder, there’s now suspicion that a bizarre AI-enthusiastic group in the region may have inspired a pair of deadly assaults that took place thousands of miles apart. As Open Vallejo reports, two young computer scientists and apparent lovers, identified as 22-year-old Maximillian Snyder and 21-year-old Teresa Youngblut — admirers of the Bay Area-based fringe ideological group known as “Zizians,” who want to speed up AI’s takeover of humanity — were arrested this month for slayings that took place on opposite coasts. Earlier in January, Youngblut was arrested by federal prosecutors on January 24 for the killing of a 44-year-old Border Patrol agent named David Maland in Vermont during a deadly shootout. Snyder, meanwhile, was arrested on January 17 in the NorCal town of Redding on charges related to the stabbing death of Curtis Lind, an 82-year-old landlord. AI Acceler-Hatin-Ism These two seemingly disparate homicides are entwined not only because the people arrested for them had applied for a marriage license in Washington State ahead of time, but also, as Open Vallejo reports, because both youthful scientists seem to have ascribed to Zizianism, a radical — and allegedly violent — offshoot of Eliezer Yudkowsky’s Rationalist movement. The name of the group, as that news outlet notes, comes from a user who went by “Ziz” on the site. As tech writer David Z. Morris explains, Ziz and his compatriots believe that AI will ultimately bring about the destruction of humankind — and…Members of AI Fringe Group Arrested for Two Killings

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