Today’s links Kinkslump Linkdump: A week’s worth of assortment. This day in history: 2008, 2013, 2018 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading Kinkslump Linkdump (permalink) This is my dozenth linkdump! The world comes at you fast, and even though I’m writing 4-5 essays a week for this newsletter, many’s the week that ends with more stray links than will fit in that format. Here’s the previous ones: I managed to turn out five posts last week, despite being on tour with my latest novel, The Lost Cause, a hopeful solarpunk novel endorsed by Rebecca Solnit, Bill McKibben and Kim Stanley Robinson. The tour went great – the book’s now a national bestseller on the USA Today list! Here’s an essay I wrote explaining the structure of the feeling that the book is meant to convey: This is a climate emergency novel full of rising seas, terrible storms, wildfires and zoonotic plagues, and yet – it is a hopeful novel. What makes it hopeful? It depicts a future in which we are treating these phenomena with the gravitas and urgency they warrant, with our whole society’s focus shifting to moving coastal cities inland, weatherizing and solarizing our housing, and creating permanent housing for internal refugees. While it would be infinitely preferable to live in a world where none of that is necessary, that’s not the world we have. This is an sf novel, not a fantasy novel, so all the climate harms we’ve locked in…Pluralistic: Kinkslump Linkdump (09 Dec 2023)