Today’s links Kitchensink callithump linkdump: All the news I couldn’t fit. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 Upcoming appearances: Where to find me. Recent appearances: Where I’ve been. Latest books: You keep readin’ em, I’ll keep writin’ ’em. Upcoming books: Like I said, I’ll keep writin’ ’em. Colophon: All the rest. Kitchensink callithump linkdump (permalink) With just days to go before my summer vacation, I find myself once again with a backlog of links that I didn’t squeeze into the blog, and no hope of clearing them before I disappear into a hammock for two weeks, so it’s time for my 21st linkdump – here’s the other 20: I’m going to start off this week’s ‘dump with a little bragging, because it’s my newsletter, after all. First up: a book! Yes, I write a lot of books, but what I’m talking about here is a physical book, a limited edition of ten, that I commissioned from three brilliant craftspeople. Back in March 2023, I launched a Kickstarter to pre-sell the audiobook of Red Team Blues, the first novel in my new Martin Hench series, about a forensic accountant who specializes in unwinding tech bros’ finance frauds: One of the rewards for that campaign was a very special hardcover: a handmade, leather-bound edition of Red Team Blues, typeset by the typography legend John D. Berry: Bound by the legendary book-artist John DeMerritt: And printed by the master printer…Pluralistic: Kitchensink callithump linkdump (29 Jun 2024)