Telegram, the popular messaging app with over 950 million monthly active users, is rolling out a new update for the month of July. The July update brings several new features that aim to improve user experience, boost functionality, and give users more control over their interactions. The July update brings a bunch of features designed to take user experience to a whole new level Among the additions are a powerful in-app browser with multi-tab support and a full-fledged Mini App Store. These updates, along with other improvements, are designed for nearly one billion monthly users. Telegram now supports a better in-app browser Telegram’s new in-app browser now supports multi-tabbed browsing, enabling users to easily switch between messages, websites, instant view articles, and mini-apps without losing their place. It also integrates decentralized websites hosted on the Telegram Open Network (TON), giving Telegram’s large user base access to Web3. Users can manage their browsing experience by collapsing and reopening pages from the bottom bar, adding bookmarks, and receiving notifications without interruptions. Discover and enjoy the Mini App Store The updated Mini App Store adds an ‘Apps’ tab in Search, making it easy for users to find their favorite mini apps and explore new ones. This improves discovery and engagement since over 500 million users interact with mini-apps every month. This July update is packed with new features; here’s a quick rundown: Share from Mini Apps to Stories: Users can share content from mini apps to Telegram Stories. This includes AI-generated videos, achievements,…Telegram’s July update brings new in-app browser and mini app store