WhatsApp introduced the pinned ability in 2017 that allowed users to pin three chats to the top of the list to find them quickly. While the number of pinned chats was limited to three for a few years, it seems the number may increase in the not-too-distant future. According to the report by WABetaInfo, the latest WhatsApp beta for Android version, available on the Google Play Store, lets users pin five chats. Two more pinned chats on WhatsApp may not be groundbreaking but they are useful Image: WABetaInfo So, the popular instant messaging app is letting users add more pinned chats. While two additional pins aren’t anything groundbreaking, it is still better than being stuck at three. Users will appreciate this small yet important addition of adding more pinned chats. They will have immediate access to more conversations just after launching the messaging app. However, it is important to note that the outlet hasn’t found any evidence that the app will ultimately allow five pins, but they speculate it may happen in the future. The feature is yet to widely roll out to the beta users, which suggests we have a long way to go for a stable update. Last week, Meta announced that Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger will become interoperable in Europe. Have any thoughts on this? Drop us a line below in the comments, or carry the discussion to our Twitter or Facebook. Editors’ Recommendations: You can now search WhatsApp conversations by date on Android WhatsApp may redesign its Stories…WhatsApp may let you pin more chats