Ken Paxton Was Impeached

I’m giddy. Texas House names Ken Paxton impeachment managers; Senate trial will start by Aug. 28 On Monday evening, the Senate unanimously adopted a resolution that laid out an initial…

Monopolizing turds

Today’s links Monopolizing turds: The FDA granted a pharma company a literal monopoly on shit. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2003, 2013, 2018 Colophon:…

Don’t Use ChatGPT For Legal Research

A lawyer used ChatGPT to research a legal brief and it didn’t work out. ChatGPT makes stuff up or uses very thin sourcing, and is not a replacement for a…

AI Is Turning Fraud Up To 11

My latest for KnowTechie covers the rise of AI powered fraud. I also touched on some of this issues in a recent essay about how AI is empowering greed and…