Diablo IV makes its way to Steam on October 17

Diablo IV, your go-to demon-bashing diversion, is vaulting from Blizzard’s homey Battle.net to the bustling cityscape of Steam on October 17. Yep – no more digital gymnastics to get your fix on the Steam Deck. But hold your victory dances, folks. You’ll still need those trusty Battle.net credentials to dive in. And for the PC purists among you, ensure your rig packs at least an Intel Core i5 or <a href="https://www.amazon.com/AMD-FD8350FRHKBOX-FX-8350-8-Core-Processor/dp/B009O7YUF6?&linkCode=li2&tag=knowt01-20&linkId=b987b34d90dd65ff1dc068a4c8ccb354&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_il"%20target="_blank"><img%20border="0"%20src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B009O7YUF6&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=knowt01-20&language=en_US"%20></a>AMD FX-8350 CPU coupled with 8 GB of RAM. Demon hunting never promised to be a walk in the park, did it? The Steam debut aligns with the launch of the spine-chilling new DLC, Season of Blood. Brace yourself for an all-new questline, revamped vampire powers, five formidable endgame bosses, and the exciting addition of actress Gemma Chan as a vampire hunter. Sounds like a bloody blast, doesn’t it? And just when you thought that was it, Blizzard is also dishing out a robust patch (1.2.0) on the same day. Look forward to quicker XP gains, smoother navigation in Nightmare Dungeons, and a surge in world boss spawns for all you loot aficionados. And believe me, that’s just scratching the surface. So, pencil in October 17, Diablo fans. It’s shaping up to be a monumental day. Oh, and let’s not forget – Diablo IV isn’t the first Blizzard game to grace Steam; Overwatch 2 blazed the trail back in August. Who knows what other treats Blizzard has up its sleeve? Have any thoughts on this? Drop us a line below…Diablo IV makes its way to Steam on October 17

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