Google's Apparently Building an AI That Tells You How to Live Your Life

Fix Me Google DeepMind researchers have finally found a way to make life coaching even worse: infuse it with generative AI. According to internal documents obtained by The New York Times reports, Google and the Google-owned DeepMind AI lab are working with “generative AI to perform at least 21 different types of personal and professional tasks.” And among those tasks, apparently, is an effort to use generative AI to build a “life advice” tool. You know, because an inhuman AI model knows everything there is to know about navigating the complexities of mortal human existence. As the NYT points out, the news of the effort notably comes months after AI safety experts at Google said, back in just December, that users of AI systems could suffer “diminished health and well-being” and a “loss of agency” as the result of taking AI-spun life advice. The Google chatbot Bard, meanwhile, is barred from providing legal, financial, or medical advice to its users. But now, not even a year later, Google is looking like it’s tempted to throw its previous caution — and safety research — to the wind. There’s an AI-sized hole in the life coaching market, it seems, and the longtime search giant is hoping to fill it — even though the ethics feel murky at best. Destination Wedding Per the NYT’s reporting, researchers at the DeepMind-contracted firm Scale AI have been working to test the project, and have assembled large teams of workers — including more than 100 experts with…Google's Apparently Building an AI That Tells You How to Live Your Life

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