How to automatically delete two-factor authentication codes on iPhone

We all love the peace of mind that comes with extra security like two-factor authentication (2FA). However, the aftermath is often a messy inbox filled with one-time codes. If you’ve found yourself annoyed by this clutter, you’re not alone. Thankfully, with iOS 17, Apple has introduced a neat solution. Now, there’s a handy feature that clears out these codes for you, automatically. By simply flipping a switch in your settings, you can say goodbye to the endless list of codes in your Messages app. In this post, we’ll show you how to activate this feature, helping you keep a clean inbox while staying secure How to delete two-factor authentication codes automatically on iOS 17 If you want to set your iPhone to automatically delete used two-factor authentication codes, making inbox clutter a thing of the past, here’s how to do it. But first, you’ll need to update to iOS 17 first, if you haven’t already. Open Settings Begin by opening the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone Tap on ‘Passwords’ From the list of options, scroll down to find and tap on the ‘Passwords’ tab Unlock Your Phone You may be prompted to unlock your phone for security purposes. If so, go ahead and do that Access ‘Password Options’ Once unlocked, you’ll see an option for ‘Password Options’. Tap on that Find the ‘Verification Codes’ Section Scroll down within the ‘Password Options’ until you find the ‘Verification Codes’ section. Select it when you do. Enable ‘Clean Up Automatically’ Within the ‘Verification…How to automatically delete two-factor authentication codes on iPhone

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