With the launch of Google’s Pixel 7, we received an interesting new feature: cough and snore detection. You may be asking, “Why would I want my phone to detect coughing and snoring?” Good question… If you’re feeling inexplicably tired most mornings, even after a seemingly good night’s rest, something may be disrupting your sleep. It may not even be something you’re consciously aware of, like your own coughing and snoring, for example. Thankfully, modern Pixel smartphones can assist with the investigation. Are you unsure if you’ve been coughing or snoring at night? When it comes to solving any problem, gaining awareness is the first step. Let’s discuss how to enable cough and snore detection on Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. .stk-dc6330d{box-shadow:0 5px 5px 0 rgba(18,63,82,0.035) !important;z-index:0 !important} Google Pixel models we’ll cover in this guide .stk-bd6b0fb ul li{list-style-image:url(‘’) !important}Google Pixel 6Google Pixel 6 Pro .stk-380f5ff ul li{list-style-image:url(‘’) !important}Google Pixel 7Google Pixel 7 Pro Image: KnowTechie Turn on snore detection on Pixel 7 devices Google’s cough and snore detection is a Digital Wellbeing feature. Specifically, it’s a part of Bedtime mode, which also includes tools for minimizing distractions when you should be sleeping—definitely worth checking out. By following these steps, you can enable Pixel’s cough and snore detection to learn your coughing and snoring habits: Open Settings Open the Settings app and go to the Digital Wellbeing & parental controls section. Bedtime mode Tap on Bedtime mode. Set things up Set up Bedtime mode if you haven’t already, toggling Cough…How to enable cough and snore detection on Pixel 7