Last chance to pre-order your next Galaxy and save up to $1,000+

If you’ve been mulling the idea of jumping on one of Samsung’s new foldables, time’s a-ticking on their pre-order offer. You’ve got until this Friday, 8/11, to snag some of the best deals Samsung has to offer. 🚨 On top of that, we have a special deal from Samsung that takes an additional $50 off your order. This deal cannot be found on; it will only be available when using these links: Galaxy Z Fold 5, Galaxy Z Flip 5 Galaxy Watch 6 Galaxy Tab S9 If you’re short on time, here’s what they’re currently offering on a Galaxy Z Fold 5, Flip 5, Watch 6, or Tab S9 preorder: .stk-d243581 ul li,.stk-d243581 ol li{font-size:16px !important}.stk-d243581 ul li{list-style-image:url(‘’) !important}@media screen and (max-width:1023px){.stk-d243581 ul li,.stk-d243581 ol li{font-size:16px !important}}Enhanced trade-in: Get up to $1,000 in enhanced trade-in valueFree storage upgrade: Boost your storage capacity from 256GB to 512GB for the price of the smaller model (applies to Fold5 and Flip5)Instant savings: Get up to $150 off a 1TB memory device (applies to Fold5)Education discount: Get 15% off and the biggest student savings during a smartphone launch ever (applies to Fold5 and Tab S9) First up, we’ve got the enhanced trade-in offer. Have an old device gathering dust? Well, dust it off and trade it in because Samsung’s offering up to a whopping $1,000 in enhanced trade-in value. That’s right, folks, you could be sitting on a goldmine and not even know it. That’s not all. If you’re like me and have…Last chance to pre-order your next Galaxy and save up to $1,000+

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