Apple is opting for numerous changes with the iOS 17 and the iPhone 15 series. Most notably, the iPhone 15 will be the first iPhone using USB-C. However, the latest iOS 17 beta 5 comes with an unexpected change. Apple has changed the position of the “End Call” button, in the Phone app. Apple changes the “End Call” button position on iOS 17 beta Credit: Artem Golub / Gizmodo Recently, Apple’s iOS 17 beta 5 has rolled out, and one of the notable changes within the new software is the “End Call” button placement on the call screen. The change was first noticed by Gizmodo, pointing out that Apple has moved it from its usual center spot to the right corner. It is an unmistakable change for long-term iOS users. Not only that, Apple has moved other buttons too. It has replaced the lonely Red “End Call” button with a group of buttons. It will be easy to accidentally hit them while reaching for the red button. This is a small change, and there is no need to make a fuss about it, especially since it’s in a beta build. However, if we take a look at the bigger picture, this small UI change will make a significant difference in the user experience if finalized. The “End Call” button has been in the same spot for a long time. Apple’s decision to change it goes against years of muscle memory. So, there will be some issues initially. Although the Red button…New iOS 17 beta moves “End Call” button in the Phone app