Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S20 FE (Fan Edition) back in 2020, marking its first venture into the FE series. The device was met with resounding approval from both fans and critics alike, who commended Samsung’s audacious decision to offer flagship-level features at a fraction of the cost After that, Samsung made the obvious choice and followed up with Galaxy S21 FE in early 2022. It was another exceptional smartphone, but according to Samsung, the sales figures failed to reflect that. So, Samsung scrapped the S22 FE from its roster, along with our hope for another great budget smartphone from the Korean company. Despite the success of the Galaxy S20 FE, recent reports suggest that Samsung isn’t stopping there. The tech giant is reportedly preparing for the imminent launch of the Galaxy S23 FE. Image: Samsung Is the Galaxy S23 FE the next big-budget smartphone? It may be another great budget Android smartphone from Samsung, but SamMobile says the Galaxy S23FE will launch soon. According to the mobile news website, there’s good reason to expect the Galaxy S23 FE to hit the shelves in Q3 2023. But don’t start celebrating just yet – the initial release will be limited to select markets. The wider release will be around Q4 2023 and Q1 2024. Depending on where you live, you may have to wait for quite a few months for the Galaxy S23 FE. According to the new outlet, Samsung will use Exynos 2200 chipset to power the Galaxy S23 FE. We…New rumors suggest Galaxy S23FE is coming to select markets