Renowned Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman revealed in its previous Power on Newsletter that Apple is working on an OLED iPad Pro, which will likely feature Apple’s latest M3 silicon and launch in 2024. Now, Korean blogger yeux1122, has corroborated Gurman’s revelation, and the blogger has also added the OLED Pro variant of the Apple iPad will be available with 4TB storage. Currently, iPad Pro offers up to 2TB storage While we are pretty sure about Apple’s 2024 OLED iPad Pro’s existence, we are not sure about the validity of this leak. The leaker yeux1122 has a rocky track record, so at best, take this news with a grain of salt. The Cupertino company currently offers the Pro iPad models with five storage variants: 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, 1TB, and 2TB. Apple added the 2TB highest variant back in 2021. Of course, Apple also gets a hefty premium for the highest storage variant. The difference between the 128GB and 256GB variant is only $100, while the difference between the 1TB and 2TB variant is $400. Upgraded iPad Pro storage would be 4TB Image: KnowTechie According to the information provided by the Korean leaker, who hasn’t cited any sources, Apple could offer a 4TB option with the OLED iPad Pro slated for next year. It’s twice the storage Apple currently offers for its Pro tablets. While the leaker hasn’t specifically mentioned it, adding a new highest storage tier means the iPad Pro base storage tier could receive a long overdue upgrade to…OLED iPad Pro for 2024 could get up to 4TB storage, says rumor