YouTube bans Russian media outlets across Europe

Google’s YouTube said Tuesday that it would block Kremlin-backed media outlets RT and Sputnik from Europe following similar bans by Facebook and TikTok. “It’ll take time for our systems to…

Fast Websites Good For SEO And UX

All those cool widgets and embeds you like because they make your site “better”. You know the chatbox, Yelp reviews carousel, the fly-in Instagram imbed that looks like a 90s…

Instagram users in Ukraine and Russia

Meta Platforms Inc. today announced that it has made an encrypted direct messaging feature available for Instagram users in Ukraine and Russia.  The company also stated that it’s demoting content from the Facebook pages…

Being TikTok in A Pandemic

According to the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States, Anthony Fauci Omicron’s seeming mildness doesn’t mean the end of the pandemic is in sight. While we all hope…

Moving The Encryption Debate Forward

Mike Masnick at techdirt just published a story that gave me some hope of a little possible sanity in the debate about law enforcement having the right or ability to disrupt encryption…