Streaming music service Spotify will raise the price of its Premium tier in the United States by $1, with the announcement coming as soon as next week, according to a report published by the Wall Street Journal on Friday. The price increase will ultimately see Spotify users in the United States pay $11 a month for the privilege of streaming an unlimited amount of music from the service’s catalog of tens of millions of songs and other audio tracks and podcasts. Price increases will also roll out to other countries over the next few months, the Journal said, citing anonymous sources. There is little reason to doubt the accuracy of the report Since last year, Spotify executives have affirmed their desire to raise prices on streamers in order to offset higher licensing costs and other expenses. Spotify’s competitors, Apple Music and Amazon Music have implemented their own price increases recently, with premium subscribers to each service paying around $11 per month as well. Spotify has largely resisted raising prices in the United States and elsewhere. But it has faced increased pressure from investors to generate more revenue from its services. The company spent hundreds of millions of dollars acquiring podcast studios like Gimlet and the Ringer along with top talents like Joe Rogan, Barack and Michelle Obama, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, with very little in the way of a return to show for those efforts. Image: KnowTechie Like other media companies, Spotify has also been impacted by a…Spotify to raise price of Premium by $1 – here are your options