The best new iOS 17 features: our top picks

Ladies and gents, it’s time to take your iPhones out of your pockets and give them a little pat. Why, you ask? Well, because iOS 17 is here, and it’s got some fancy new tricks up its sleeve that’ll make your iPhone or iPad feel like a whole new beast.Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Do I need to get the latest iPhone 15 for this?” Nope. Your trusty old iPhone XS or any model after that will do just fine. Yes, even that one with the cracked screen you’ve been meaning to fix. Apple, in its infinite wisdom, decided to bless us with this update back in June at WWDC 2023. And now, it’s finally here. Unfortunately, the Journal app is playing hard to get and won’t show up until “later this year.” But hey, who needs a journal when you’ve got seven other exciting features to play with? .stk-a968819 ul li,.stk-a968819 ol li{font-size:16px !important}.stk-a968819 ul li{list-style-image:url(‘’) !important}@media screen and (max-width:1023px){.stk-a968819 ul li,.stk-a968819 ol li{font-size:16px !important}}FaceTime on Apple TV: Because why not? Let’s take video calls to the big screen.Offline Apple Maps: Perfect for when you’re in the middle of nowhere and need directions.NameDrop: The digital business card you never knew you needed. Say goodbye to traditional business cards!Improved Autocorrect: Less embarrassing text fails, more accurate typing.StandBy Mode: Your iPhone can now double as a fancy clock. Time to shine!Upgraded Siri: She’s getting smarter, folks! Conversations with Siri just got a lot more interesting.Interactive Home Screen Widgets: Not just…The best new iOS 17 features: our top picks

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