The social media landscape has been buzzing lately, and it’s all thanks to Bluesky, a new social platform gaining traction among users seeking an alternative to Twitter. With Twitter facing its own challenges under Elon Musk’s ownership, Bluesky is stepping up as a contender in the microblogging space. Does it have what it takes to dethrone its unofficial rival? We’ll discuss everything you need to know about Bluesky, from signing up to its unique features. Let’s get to it then. What is Bluesky? .stk-848a280{background-color:var(–stk-global-color-56583,#911d9c) !important;border-radius:6px !important;overflow:hidden !important;box-shadow:0 5px 30px -10px rgba(18,63,82,0.3) !important}.stk-848a280:before{mix-blend-mode:overlay !important;background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,var(–stk-global-color-56583,#911d9c) 0%,#e6e0ec 100%) !important}.stk-848a280 .stk-img-wrapper{filter:drop-shadow(0px 10px 30px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)) !important;–stk-gradient-overlay:0.4 !important}.stk-848a280 .stk-img-wrapper img{transform:scale(0.96) !important;border-radius:48px !important}.stk-848a280 .stk-img-wrapper img,.stk-848a280 .stk-img-wrapper::after,.stk-848a280 .stk-img-wrapper::before{mask-image:url(‘’) !important;-webkit-mask-image:url(‘’) !important} Bluesky is a decentralized social media platform that offers a familiar and somewhat user-friendly experience, much like Twitter. Users can create profiles, post thoughts, and interact with others through liking, reposting, and replying to posts. And by the way, they’re called unofficially called “skeets” now. Hey, I don’t make the rules. How Does Bluesky Work? What sets Bluesky apart from Twitter is its underlying technology. The platform operates on a decentralized system, running on multiple smaller servers connected by the AT Protocol. This approach allows users to create their own applications and communities within the platform, offering customized rules and algorithms to suit their preferences. If this concept sounds familiar, it’s because Mastodon, another social platform making waves, is built on a similar decentralized infrastructure. How Do I Sign Up for Bluesky? Image: KnowTechie Currently, Bluesky is in…What is Bluesky? And does it have the potential to be a Twitter killer?