The excerpt is form an article first published at on October 25, 2022.
Many are the conversations with clients and prospective clients who wish to use online-only advertising to reach a younger demographic. The facts that youth see ads on TV, radio, and OOH, and that octogenarians see ads on Facebook don’t matter because, for the speaker, the internet is a proxy for youth.
Based on this job listing, I believe that the founder and CEO of the company, has scaled way past their functional capacity to manage but also is super protective of the baby (company) they started. So they are trying to find the best babysitter. The problem is the search tactics that will drive away almost anyone who is a good choice to watch the baby and anyone with a way of thinking that differs from the founder’s.
Founders who scale themselves to successfully helm a company as it grows well past the startup are rare. Even the notable exceptions may well now be the downfall of their companies. For an example, look at Mark Zuckerberg’s pursuit of the metaverse.