Big smartphone brands like Apple, Google, and Samsung have always been conservative with charging speeds. And the latest listing has revealed that won’t be changing anytime soon, at least for Samsung with the Galaxy S24 series. Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S23 Ultra, is only limited to 45W charging speed. While its competitors, Apple and Google, are far behind, 45W is nothing to celebrate, especially from a $1,000 flagship smartphone. According to a report by MyFixGuide, Samsung’s next flagship smartphone has appeared on China’s 3C certification website. Based on the report, there are no changes to the charging speed compared to the Galaxy S23 series. It’s best to avoid the base model of Galaxy S24 So, the Galaxy S24 Plus and the Galaxy S24 Ultra would feature the same 45W charging speeds as their predecessors. Unfortunately, the base model Galaxy S24 would still be stuck at 25W like the current Galaxy S23. What is most disappointing is the charging speed of the Galaxy S24 Ultra, which will be stuck at 45W. This new leak also contradicts the early claim that the 2024 Galaxy Ultra model would get 65W charging. The listing also suggests there’s no charger in the box, which is not unusual. Samsung hasn’t bundled a charger for the past few years. That said, there’s more to fast charging than wattage. The ability to sustain high wattage is the key element, and Samsung has always done a good job with it. Unbelievably, the 5,000 mAh battery of the…Galaxy S24 will have the same charging speed as S23, says leak