It was only last year Google that launched its first smartwatch, the Google Pixel Watch. It turned out to be one of the best Android smartwatches, with a few bits that could be improved upon. Fans are now eagerly waiting for its second iteration, the Google Pixel Watch 2. We hope Google will address all or at least some of the potential areas of improvement with the Pixel Watch 2. However, the upcoming Pixel Watch 2 was recently spotted on the FCC certification website, revealing a few details. Google Pixel Watch 2 expected to come with four different types of bands The report comes from reputed news outlet 9to5Google. According to the outlet, three Google Pixel Watch 2 models appeared at the FCC, with listing numbers G4TSL, GC3G8, and GD2WG. The first one is the vanilla Bluetooth and Wi-Fi variant, which has been tested with four different strap options — a plastic active strap, a metal link strap, a metal mesh strap, and a metal slim strap. Image: Jon Prosser The Metal Slim Strap is the latest addition. We have never seen it before. However, it could be a lighter version of the current link band, given the name. Although the Metal Mesh Band was announced earlier for the original Pixel Watch, Google never made it available. So, the band could finally arrive with the Pixel Watch 2. On the other hand, the GC3G8 model supports LTE Band 5 and 7, while the GD2WG model supports LTE Band 2, 4,…Google Pixel Watch 2 appears in FCC listings, revealing key details