OpenAI CEO Says He Finally Watched "Ex Machina"

On the Movie OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has some breaking news for us: at long last, he’s watched the 2015 sci-fi thriller “Ex Machina” — a movie you’d think would be required viewing for a guy who explicitly says he’s working on artificial general intelligence. “Finally watched Ex Machina last night,” Altman tweeted. “Pretty good movie but I can’t figure out why everyone told me to watch it.” Clearly, or well, hopefully — you can never be too sure — Altman is just being facetious about that last bit, since it should be pretty clear why his followers asked him to check it out. The Alex Garland-directed film tells the story of a computer programmer (Domhnall Gleeson) who wins the chance to visit the estate of his employer’s reclusive tech CEO (Oscar Isaac). When he arrives, the CEO asks him to determine if his autonomous, humanoid robot’s AI (Alicia Vikander) is truly conscious by administering a Turing test of sorts during his stay. Complications ensue, and it becomes unclear how dangerous the AI might be, and who’s testing who. Sound like it might be relevant to Altman’s line of work? Lessons to be Learned Altman could stand to adhere some of the movie’s well-trod cautions on AI, as real life already seems to be reflecting fiction. Earlier this year, one man allegedly died by suicide after extensively talking to an AI chatbot. Do we have to mention how easily AI could be used manipulate us through the misinformation it effortlessly generates? A…OpenAI CEO Says He Finally Watched "Ex Machina"

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