WhatsApp is the leading instant messaging platform on Android, with millions of users globally. In the last couple of years, Meta has started widening the app’s reach to other platforms, although the app was initially developed for smartphones. Last month, Meta released a new version of WhatsApp for macOS. Now, the app is finally arriving on iPads. According to a report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp for iPad is still in the beta stage and is likely to be released pretty soon, allowing users to access WhatsApp messages from any Apple device. New WhatsApp for iPadOS Currently, the latest version of WhatsApp Beta available on Apple’s TestFlight is compatible with iPadOS, according to WABetaInfo. It calls for a celebration, as there was no working WtahsApp version available for iPad users. They had to rely on the app’s web version to check messages as the iOS version was incompatible with iPadOS. The folks at the 9to5Mac have also confirmed that Meta is taking the same approach with the WhatsApp beta for iPad as they did with the Mac version. Image: KnowTechie/WABetaInfo After installing the app, you will be asked to use WhatsApp on your phone to scan a QR Code. After that, the app will download all the conversations, and you can send and receive messages across your Apple devices – iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Additionally, the WhatsApp interface on the iPadOS takes advantage of the larger screen and displays more content. But make no mistake, the WhatsApp iPad version is only a…WhatsApp is finally coming to iPad as latest beta gets iPadOS support