Last month, WhatsApp introduced a handful of new features, including the transfer chat history feature, letting WhatsApp users start conversations with new unknown numbers. and more. Now, the communication platform is introducing another new feature that will let you send 60-secondinstant video messages. The cherry on top? The sent videos are end-to-end encrypted. Creating WhatsApp’s new end-to-end encrypted instant video messages Source: WhatsApp WhatsApp made the announcement via a blog post, introducing the new instant video messages feature. According to the blog, the new feature enables users to record and share short videos via chat directly. It’s similar to the voice messages feature provided by the popular messaging app. Creating instant video messages is easy. According to the company, you simply have to tap the voice message icon and switch to video mode. After that, you have to hold the button to record the video. Additionally, you have the option to lock and record the video hands-free. The catch is you can only make 60-second videos. After recording the video, you can send them via chat, but they will appear as a circle and start playing automatically, but on mute. That said, if you want to listen to the the audio of the posted video, tap the circle, which will expand the window slightly and start playing the video with sound. The blog post also pointed out that the new 60-second video messages feature will be protected by end-to-end encryption. WhatsApp has already started rolling out the said feature. However, if…WhatsApp will now let you send 60-second instant video messages